Saturday 27 March 2010

Over The Rainbow

So there's a new programme on BBC called 'Over the Rainbow'. The format for the show has been used before only this time Andrew Lloyd- Webber is searching for fresh talent to play the role of Dorothy in the West End revival of The Wizard of Oz.

I actually auditioned for this programme but failed to make the live shows. I was very naiive to the whole process which is why I think I didn't get further, but I definately learned a whole lot from taking part. At the time I my audition I had no idea this man was going to be a judge on the live show panel:

Unfortunately, I'm not talking about the charming bald guy, or the delectable Sheila Hancock. I'm talking about my beloved John Partridge ;)
Every friday and saturday John will be joined by Shelia Hancock & Charlotte Church to narrow the search for Dorothy. This has made my weekends a lot more enjoyable. That is all :)

Monday 22 March 2010


I found out the amazing news last night that I'm going to see Boyzone in concert next year! Yayayayayayay. I've always been a fan since I was a little nerdfighter & now, as a big nerdfighter, am going to se themmmmm. Ahhhh, I'm excited. Two things take my excitement down a notch:

1. I have to wait a whole year until I see them,
2. It's the first time I'll have seen them without Stevo :(

I was gutted when Stevo died, but feel priveledged to say that I've seen him. I'm sure it'll be amazing, but Boyzone is never Boyzone without Stevo. I have nothing more to say on the matter.

Sunday 21 March 2010

Bad Nerdfighter

So, I am officially made of fail.

I was supposed to be spending my time and money here today:

The idea of this fundraiser was basically the same as the last one, only this one was more local and featuring home grown talent. Unfortunately, I had to pull out of today's event due to a bad back. Total blame on my back. I was dissapointed obviously as I've had to give up raising money once more. However, at this exact moment in time, the only thing I really want to do is curl up in bed and hibernate until my back decides to be a little more lenient. More news on the back situation at a later date.
I realise I haven't updated this recently, purely because I've been bogged down with work. Tomorrow I have an assessment in Jazz Dance & Musical Theatre. I only rehearsed my Muscial Theatre piece today; as for Jazz Dance, I haven't even started that. I'm hoping for the best. I also have a massive assessment on Wednesday but one day at a time. Anyway, I'm off to do more work (actually I'm watching Dancing on Ice at the moment but sssh).

Saturday 13 March 2010

Unusual deaths

Chrysippus, a Greek stoic philosopher, is believed to have died from laughter after watching his drunk donkey attempt to eat figs.
Humphrey de Bohun, 4th Earl of Hereford was fatally speared through the anus by a pikeman hiding under the bridge during the battle of Boroughbridge.
George Plantagenet, Duke of Clarence, was executed by drowning in a barrel of Malmsey wine at his own request.
Francois Vatel, chef to Louis XIV, commited suicide because his seafood order was late and he could not stand the shame of a postponed meal.
Jim Creighton, baseball player, died when he swung a bat too hard and ruptured his bladder.
Isadora Duncan, dancer, died of a broken neck when one of the long scarves she was known for caught on the wheel of a Bugatti car in which she was a passenger.
Sherwood Anderson, writer, swallowed a toothpick at a party and then died of peritonitis.
Abigail Taylor, aged 6, died after several of her internal organs were partially sucked out of her lower body while she sat on an excessively powerful swimming pool drain.

Thursday 11 March 2010

Slade Room Opening

Today has been pretty eventful. You know the band, Slade? Yeah? Well, two members of the band, Noddy Holder & Dave Hill, have opened a new bar down my endz, yo. I got invited to the launch so that was like totally cool.

We found it amazing that our lecturer at college was wearing a suit.

Anyway, there were bands, performances & talks throughout the whole day. It was a nice day :)
In other news:
I ate a nice box of chocolates today.
I resisted the urge to go out tonight.

Wednesday 10 March 2010

The Amazing Musicals List!

So you may or may not know that I'm a massive fan of musicals. I love watching and performing in them. Unfortunatley, at the moment, my musical DVD collection is very low. Currently, I own:
Rent the musical
Hairspray the musical
High school musical (slightly ashamed of this option)
Mamma Mia the musical
Cats the musical

AND THAT IS ALL! Like seriously, how is this happening? Why don't I have more? Money, my dear friends, money. Also, I have no idea why I decided to write 'the musical' after every one when you clearly got my drift.

I'm currently very into the Billy Elliot (the musical aha) soundtrack. I've also realised that I haven't seen any thing near enough musicals to satisfy my theatre brain.

The Lion King
West Side Story
Doctor Dolittle

You know, I'm sure there is quite a few more to be honest, I just can't remember them off the top of my head. But yeah, I need to see, perform in and own more musicals. That is all.


Dead important things I need. (like really need):

Attitude magazine – Yes, I realise this magazine is primarily for gay men, but Johnny Partridge (hothothot) is on the cover. This therefore means I have to purchase.
Ok magazine – Photo’s are in from the Haiti charity event I went to. I’d laugh if I was in it!
The Stage newspaper – Always buy this as a general rule.
Cinema ticket to see Alice in Wonderland – Seeing as everyone’s raving about it, thought I might as well watch it for myself.
New high top trainers – I’m a big fan of these and realise I need moremoremore!
The second part of Justin Bieber’s album – Apologies if I have now gone down in your estimations.
Canvas art to cover my bedroom – Massive fan of abstract art. My passion would be easier to fund if I could actually create my own art.
The Wizard of Oz on DVD – I always have an urge to watch this film and have never got it.

As a sidenote, I brought a gorgeous framed poster of the cover of Michael Jackson’s album, Bad. It’s taking pride of place on my ‘things’ wall. Other things in that wall are:

The front of Derren Brown’s Trick of the mind DVD.
John Barrowman’s autograph.
My ticket from the ‘Aid for Haiti’ event.
A funky picture of a naked man and a guitar from the box of my newly acquired guitar strings.
Charlie Hawkin’s autograph.
A photo of my tutor class in my last year at high school.
The DVD cover of ‘School Reunion’, Doctor Who.
The label of my fave bottle of perfume.
A photo of John Simm & David Tennant.
A flyer for Evita, Mamma Mia & Take the Lead.
A photo of me at the stage door of Wolverhampton’s Grand Theatre.
John Partridge’s autograph.
A West End Stage sticker.
My fave guitar plectrum.
The most amazing magician I have ever seen live‘s card.
A photo of me and the limo I travelled in to Prom.
Toy Story 3D glasses.
A photo of John Barrowman signing his autobiography.
An invitation to my first ever premiere.
The Cats the Musical logo.
The bag of a fairtrade teabag.
A photo of me that was in my high school’s prospectus.
Christopher Parker’s autograph.
A giant JLS poster.
A prospectus for West End Stage.
A galaxy cookie crumble wrapper.
A sketch of David Tennant

Yes, I do have quite an obsession of sticking things to my wall. I feel that everything on my wall of ‘things’ represents who I am as a person. My fairtrade teabag wrapper for example, shows my support for equality.

Tuesday 9 March 2010

Hey, look what I found!

Well, okay. I didn't just come across it, I actually searched it out. Ah well, bragging time is in order.

This, my lovely friend, is an equally lovely man who goes by the name of Johnny Partridge. I met him a few months back and, as I so often do, decided to post this photo on yet another website. It'll be all over the web before you know it!
Anyways, bragging over. Just thought you ought to know.

Monday 8 March 2010

Sod it, everyone else does it.

1. What's your name?
Vikki Shawious III. I joke.

2. What is your favorite thing to wear?
Anything that isn't in fashion.

3. Last thing you ate?
Mint Vienetta. Chicken in breadcrumbs coming up though.

4. One place you will NEVER eat at?
I eat anything & everything, anywhere & anywhen.

5. I say Shotgun, you say:
Twatbag. Sozlol.

6. Last person you hugged?
Was it Sean? I forget.

7. Does anyone you know wanna date you?
Who doesn't ;)

8. Would you date anyone you met online?
After meeting obvs ^_^

9. Name something you like physically about yourself:
My left little toe.

10. The last place you went out to dinner to?
A restaurant celebrating my friends 18th.

11. Who is your best friend?
She's called Natasha & she's lovely. Kthnxbye.

12. What time of the day is it?

13. Who/What made you angry today?
Noisy nextdoor workmen.

14. Baseball or Football?
The latter.

15. Ever gone skinny dipping?
Not yet.

16. Favorite type of Food?
As afore stated, I eat anything. I'm partial to a chinese though. Meal, not person. Although I'm sure they're nice too.

17. Favorite holiday:
Country or working holiday? Either way, Florida & Xmas. I went to Florida AT Xmas before. Ironicall, I didn't enjoy it as much.

18. Do you download music:
Illegally. And proud.

19. Do you care if your socks are dirty?
Hell no.

20. Opinion of Chinese symbol tattoos?
I think it's funny when people think they're getting like "destiny" or something but it's a tattooist with a sense of humour, who writes "twat" on their skin.

21. Would you date the person that posted this?
I would. Not now as that would be bad. But yes.

22. Has anyone ever sang or played for you personally?

23. Do you love anyone?
I have love for everyone.

24. Are colored contact lenses sexy?
Natural all the way.

25. Have you ever bungee jumped?
Nope, but plan to.

26. Have you ever gone white-water rafting?
Nope, but plan to.

27. Has anyone ten years older than you ever hit on you?
Ooh, 9. Naughty boy ;)

28. How many pets do you have?
Un chein et un chat.

29. Have you met a real redneck?

30. How is the weather right now?
I have no idea as I'm living like a hermit.

31. What are you listening to right now?
My dog barking. Joy.

32. What is your current favorite song?
Quite liking Telephone by Lady Gaga & Beyonce.

33. What was the last movie you watched?
Liar, Liar.

34. Do you wear contacts?
Oh yes.

35. Where was the last place you went besides your house?
Football match. We won.

36. What are you afraid of?
Needles & gigantic spiders. Ew.

37. How many piercings have you had?
My ears, and that's as far as I'm going.

38. What piercings do you want?
Absolutely none.

39. What's one thing you've learned this year?
Life's not worth a damn, till you can say. (Everybody)

40. What do you usually order from Starbucks?
Caramel hot choc.

41. What Magazines are you reading?
Eastenders 25th anniversay mag. I know I'm sad but I thought Johnny P would feature. Unfortunately not.

42. Have you ever fired a gun:
A water gun. How rebel am I?

43. Are you missing someone?
I am. Roll on next week.

44. Favourite TV show?
Doctor Whooooooooo. Sci-fi nerd.

45. Do you have an obession with WoW?
Perfer COD. LOL!

46. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celeb?
Yes, I once got asked for my autograph because someone thought I was Jasmine off Emmerdale. I look nothing like her.

47. What celeb do you look like?
Not Jasmine that's for sure.

48. Who would you like to see right now?
Preferably Johnny P. No?

49. Favorite movie of all time?
Billy Elliot or Rent.

50. Do you find yourself loved?
Ask him? ;)

51. Have you ever been caught doing something you weren't suppose to?
Innuendo methinks?

52. Favorite smell?
Hot men ;)

53. Butter, plain, or salted popcorn?
Butter ftw.

54. What's something that really bugs you?
Stingy people.

55. Do you like Michael Jackson?
I certainly do worship him.

56. Taco Bell or Burger King?

57. What's your favorite perfume?

58. Favorite baseball team?

59. Ever call a 1-900 phone number?
Try a different country.

60. What's the longest time you've gone without sleep?
Jeez, two days.

61. Last time you went bowling?
Ages ago, but it was good.

62. Where is the weirdest place you have slept?
In my food.

63. Who was your last phone call?
My father.

64. Last time you were at work?
When I had a job.

65. What's the closest orange object to you?
The orange button on the guitar hero model, yo.

I had nothing of vague interest to write so thought I'd let you into a few things. Also, I gave money to charity whilst out clubbing last week. Good nerdfighter. Also, yes. Nerdfighters do have lives, that's why I was out on the razz. Kthnxbyelol.

Wednesday 3 March 2010

The Start of Something New

First and foremost, hi. My name is Vikki and I’m a self-confessed nerd. Yes, I watch Doctor Who. Yes, I like sci-fi. I’m also rather partial to writing nerdy blogs instead of spending my time wisely and going out to ‘rep’ my postcode. But what the hell, this is my blog and you’re here so hi.

Vikki This is me. I is nerd. Moving on.

You may wonder what my blog title is all about? ‘DecreasingWorldSuckSince1991’. Well, as afore mentioned, I’m a nerd. I’m also part of a cult. Oh yes, us nerds are out to take over the universe. We call ourselves ‘Nerdfighters’. (insert nerdy hand gesture here). Now let’s get this straight. We don’t fight nerds, we fight FOR nerds. And I’m also slightly annoyed that Microsoft has underlined the word ‘Nerdfighters’ in a squiggly red line. But I digress. What we aim to do is generally make the world a less sucky place. That is, to banish all things bad like poverty and naughty people. We do this by organising and attending nerdy charity events in the hopes that we can raise copious amounts of monies and donate these wonderful gold coins to charities. We also worship two intelligent, handsome brothers who go by the names Hank and John Green. You can find out more on ‘Nerdfighters’ and how to become involved here. Join us. Join us.

Seeing as we’re on the subject of nerds and nerdy charity events, I thought I might as well tell you of the latest charity event I attended. As is general knowledge nowadays, Haiti recently suffered a terrible natural disaster in the shape of an almighty earthquake. As is also general knowledge, Ian Beale is a legend. What has this to do with the previously mentioned disaster in Haiti? I hear you ponder. Well, Adam Woodyatt, commonly known as Ian Beale, decided to do his own bit for charity and organise a charity event where all proceeds go to help the needy people of Haiti. And, being a ‘Nerdfighter’ and a big believer of charity, I took my little bum to Coventry where the event was being held, and spent a good few hours with other good-minded people of the world. Now, as I know, Adam Woodyatt isn’t a nerdfighter, but he’s still made of awesome for putting this whole thing together. He used his awesomeness to round up a bunch of celebrities and herd them into the Ricoh arena to raise some dosh. This we did, and after 6 hours, left the place with the knowledge that Haiti was now £30,000 better off. Thank you Adam. Evidence of the event is below.

SDC1084 SDC10804 SDC10830

Because I’m such a sell-out, I’m going to namedrop a few of the people who were so kind to give up their spare time and attend this amazing event.

  • Adam Woodyatt (Ian Beale)
  • Marc Elliot (Syed Masood)
  • Sam Attwater (Leon Small)
  • Cheryl Fergison (Heather Trott)
  • Melissa Suffield (Lucy Beale)
  • Thomas Law (Peter Beale)
  • Himesh Patel (Tamwar Masood)
  • Don Gilet (Lucas Johnson)
  • John Altman (Nick Cotton)
  • Samantha Womack (Ronnie Mitchell)
  • Michelle Collins (Cindy Beale)
  • Michelle Keegan (Tina McIntyre)
  • Graeme Hawley (John Stape)

There were others who names I don’t quite remember but whatever, they’re all amazing. And so now, I’m sure you’ve had enough of me rambling on. I will leave this entry here in the words of Charlie McDonnell: garble farble fooble fimble gimble wimble wamble bamable tamble troople booble mooble sooble table wable beep.