Monday 8 March 2010

Sod it, everyone else does it.

1. What's your name?
Vikki Shawious III. I joke.

2. What is your favorite thing to wear?
Anything that isn't in fashion.

3. Last thing you ate?
Mint Vienetta. Chicken in breadcrumbs coming up though.

4. One place you will NEVER eat at?
I eat anything & everything, anywhere & anywhen.

5. I say Shotgun, you say:
Twatbag. Sozlol.

6. Last person you hugged?
Was it Sean? I forget.

7. Does anyone you know wanna date you?
Who doesn't ;)

8. Would you date anyone you met online?
After meeting obvs ^_^

9. Name something you like physically about yourself:
My left little toe.

10. The last place you went out to dinner to?
A restaurant celebrating my friends 18th.

11. Who is your best friend?
She's called Natasha & she's lovely. Kthnxbye.

12. What time of the day is it?

13. Who/What made you angry today?
Noisy nextdoor workmen.

14. Baseball or Football?
The latter.

15. Ever gone skinny dipping?
Not yet.

16. Favorite type of Food?
As afore stated, I eat anything. I'm partial to a chinese though. Meal, not person. Although I'm sure they're nice too.

17. Favorite holiday:
Country or working holiday? Either way, Florida & Xmas. I went to Florida AT Xmas before. Ironicall, I didn't enjoy it as much.

18. Do you download music:
Illegally. And proud.

19. Do you care if your socks are dirty?
Hell no.

20. Opinion of Chinese symbol tattoos?
I think it's funny when people think they're getting like "destiny" or something but it's a tattooist with a sense of humour, who writes "twat" on their skin.

21. Would you date the person that posted this?
I would. Not now as that would be bad. But yes.

22. Has anyone ever sang or played for you personally?

23. Do you love anyone?
I have love for everyone.

24. Are colored contact lenses sexy?
Natural all the way.

25. Have you ever bungee jumped?
Nope, but plan to.

26. Have you ever gone white-water rafting?
Nope, but plan to.

27. Has anyone ten years older than you ever hit on you?
Ooh, 9. Naughty boy ;)

28. How many pets do you have?
Un chein et un chat.

29. Have you met a real redneck?

30. How is the weather right now?
I have no idea as I'm living like a hermit.

31. What are you listening to right now?
My dog barking. Joy.

32. What is your current favorite song?
Quite liking Telephone by Lady Gaga & Beyonce.

33. What was the last movie you watched?
Liar, Liar.

34. Do you wear contacts?
Oh yes.

35. Where was the last place you went besides your house?
Football match. We won.

36. What are you afraid of?
Needles & gigantic spiders. Ew.

37. How many piercings have you had?
My ears, and that's as far as I'm going.

38. What piercings do you want?
Absolutely none.

39. What's one thing you've learned this year?
Life's not worth a damn, till you can say. (Everybody)

40. What do you usually order from Starbucks?
Caramel hot choc.

41. What Magazines are you reading?
Eastenders 25th anniversay mag. I know I'm sad but I thought Johnny P would feature. Unfortunately not.

42. Have you ever fired a gun:
A water gun. How rebel am I?

43. Are you missing someone?
I am. Roll on next week.

44. Favourite TV show?
Doctor Whooooooooo. Sci-fi nerd.

45. Do you have an obession with WoW?
Perfer COD. LOL!

46. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celeb?
Yes, I once got asked for my autograph because someone thought I was Jasmine off Emmerdale. I look nothing like her.

47. What celeb do you look like?
Not Jasmine that's for sure.

48. Who would you like to see right now?
Preferably Johnny P. No?

49. Favorite movie of all time?
Billy Elliot or Rent.

50. Do you find yourself loved?
Ask him? ;)

51. Have you ever been caught doing something you weren't suppose to?
Innuendo methinks?

52. Favorite smell?
Hot men ;)

53. Butter, plain, or salted popcorn?
Butter ftw.

54. What's something that really bugs you?
Stingy people.

55. Do you like Michael Jackson?
I certainly do worship him.

56. Taco Bell or Burger King?

57. What's your favorite perfume?

58. Favorite baseball team?

59. Ever call a 1-900 phone number?
Try a different country.

60. What's the longest time you've gone without sleep?
Jeez, two days.

61. Last time you went bowling?
Ages ago, but it was good.

62. Where is the weirdest place you have slept?
In my food.

63. Who was your last phone call?
My father.

64. Last time you were at work?
When I had a job.

65. What's the closest orange object to you?
The orange button on the guitar hero model, yo.

I had nothing of vague interest to write so thought I'd let you into a few things. Also, I gave money to charity whilst out clubbing last week. Good nerdfighter. Also, yes. Nerdfighters do have lives, that's why I was out on the razz. Kthnxbyelol.

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