Wednesday 10 March 2010

The Amazing Musicals List!

So you may or may not know that I'm a massive fan of musicals. I love watching and performing in them. Unfortunatley, at the moment, my musical DVD collection is very low. Currently, I own:
Rent the musical
Hairspray the musical
High school musical (slightly ashamed of this option)
Mamma Mia the musical
Cats the musical

AND THAT IS ALL! Like seriously, how is this happening? Why don't I have more? Money, my dear friends, money. Also, I have no idea why I decided to write 'the musical' after every one when you clearly got my drift.

I'm currently very into the Billy Elliot (the musical aha) soundtrack. I've also realised that I haven't seen any thing near enough musicals to satisfy my theatre brain.

The Lion King
West Side Story
Doctor Dolittle

You know, I'm sure there is quite a few more to be honest, I just can't remember them off the top of my head. But yeah, I need to see, perform in and own more musicals. That is all.

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