Wednesday 3 March 2010

The Start of Something New

First and foremost, hi. My name is Vikki and I’m a self-confessed nerd. Yes, I watch Doctor Who. Yes, I like sci-fi. I’m also rather partial to writing nerdy blogs instead of spending my time wisely and going out to ‘rep’ my postcode. But what the hell, this is my blog and you’re here so hi.

Vikki This is me. I is nerd. Moving on.

You may wonder what my blog title is all about? ‘DecreasingWorldSuckSince1991’. Well, as afore mentioned, I’m a nerd. I’m also part of a cult. Oh yes, us nerds are out to take over the universe. We call ourselves ‘Nerdfighters’. (insert nerdy hand gesture here). Now let’s get this straight. We don’t fight nerds, we fight FOR nerds. And I’m also slightly annoyed that Microsoft has underlined the word ‘Nerdfighters’ in a squiggly red line. But I digress. What we aim to do is generally make the world a less sucky place. That is, to banish all things bad like poverty and naughty people. We do this by organising and attending nerdy charity events in the hopes that we can raise copious amounts of monies and donate these wonderful gold coins to charities. We also worship two intelligent, handsome brothers who go by the names Hank and John Green. You can find out more on ‘Nerdfighters’ and how to become involved here. Join us. Join us.

Seeing as we’re on the subject of nerds and nerdy charity events, I thought I might as well tell you of the latest charity event I attended. As is general knowledge nowadays, Haiti recently suffered a terrible natural disaster in the shape of an almighty earthquake. As is also general knowledge, Ian Beale is a legend. What has this to do with the previously mentioned disaster in Haiti? I hear you ponder. Well, Adam Woodyatt, commonly known as Ian Beale, decided to do his own bit for charity and organise a charity event where all proceeds go to help the needy people of Haiti. And, being a ‘Nerdfighter’ and a big believer of charity, I took my little bum to Coventry where the event was being held, and spent a good few hours with other good-minded people of the world. Now, as I know, Adam Woodyatt isn’t a nerdfighter, but he’s still made of awesome for putting this whole thing together. He used his awesomeness to round up a bunch of celebrities and herd them into the Ricoh arena to raise some dosh. This we did, and after 6 hours, left the place with the knowledge that Haiti was now £30,000 better off. Thank you Adam. Evidence of the event is below.

SDC1084 SDC10804 SDC10830

Because I’m such a sell-out, I’m going to namedrop a few of the people who were so kind to give up their spare time and attend this amazing event.

  • Adam Woodyatt (Ian Beale)
  • Marc Elliot (Syed Masood)
  • Sam Attwater (Leon Small)
  • Cheryl Fergison (Heather Trott)
  • Melissa Suffield (Lucy Beale)
  • Thomas Law (Peter Beale)
  • Himesh Patel (Tamwar Masood)
  • Don Gilet (Lucas Johnson)
  • John Altman (Nick Cotton)
  • Samantha Womack (Ronnie Mitchell)
  • Michelle Collins (Cindy Beale)
  • Michelle Keegan (Tina McIntyre)
  • Graeme Hawley (John Stape)

There were others who names I don’t quite remember but whatever, they’re all amazing. And so now, I’m sure you’ve had enough of me rambling on. I will leave this entry here in the words of Charlie McDonnell: garble farble fooble fimble gimble wimble wamble bamable tamble troople booble mooble sooble table wable beep.

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