Sunday 21 March 2010

Bad Nerdfighter

So, I am officially made of fail.

I was supposed to be spending my time and money here today:

The idea of this fundraiser was basically the same as the last one, only this one was more local and featuring home grown talent. Unfortunately, I had to pull out of today's event due to a bad back. Total blame on my back. I was dissapointed obviously as I've had to give up raising money once more. However, at this exact moment in time, the only thing I really want to do is curl up in bed and hibernate until my back decides to be a little more lenient. More news on the back situation at a later date.
I realise I haven't updated this recently, purely because I've been bogged down with work. Tomorrow I have an assessment in Jazz Dance & Musical Theatre. I only rehearsed my Muscial Theatre piece today; as for Jazz Dance, I haven't even started that. I'm hoping for the best. I also have a massive assessment on Wednesday but one day at a time. Anyway, I'm off to do more work (actually I'm watching Dancing on Ice at the moment but sssh).

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