Wednesday 10 March 2010


Dead important things I need. (like really need):

Attitude magazine – Yes, I realise this magazine is primarily for gay men, but Johnny Partridge (hothothot) is on the cover. This therefore means I have to purchase.
Ok magazine – Photo’s are in from the Haiti charity event I went to. I’d laugh if I was in it!
The Stage newspaper – Always buy this as a general rule.
Cinema ticket to see Alice in Wonderland – Seeing as everyone’s raving about it, thought I might as well watch it for myself.
New high top trainers – I’m a big fan of these and realise I need moremoremore!
The second part of Justin Bieber’s album – Apologies if I have now gone down in your estimations.
Canvas art to cover my bedroom – Massive fan of abstract art. My passion would be easier to fund if I could actually create my own art.
The Wizard of Oz on DVD – I always have an urge to watch this film and have never got it.

As a sidenote, I brought a gorgeous framed poster of the cover of Michael Jackson’s album, Bad. It’s taking pride of place on my ‘things’ wall. Other things in that wall are:

The front of Derren Brown’s Trick of the mind DVD.
John Barrowman’s autograph.
My ticket from the ‘Aid for Haiti’ event.
A funky picture of a naked man and a guitar from the box of my newly acquired guitar strings.
Charlie Hawkin’s autograph.
A photo of my tutor class in my last year at high school.
The DVD cover of ‘School Reunion’, Doctor Who.
The label of my fave bottle of perfume.
A photo of John Simm & David Tennant.
A flyer for Evita, Mamma Mia & Take the Lead.
A photo of me at the stage door of Wolverhampton’s Grand Theatre.
John Partridge’s autograph.
A West End Stage sticker.
My fave guitar plectrum.
The most amazing magician I have ever seen live‘s card.
A photo of me and the limo I travelled in to Prom.
Toy Story 3D glasses.
A photo of John Barrowman signing his autobiography.
An invitation to my first ever premiere.
The Cats the Musical logo.
The bag of a fairtrade teabag.
A photo of me that was in my high school’s prospectus.
Christopher Parker’s autograph.
A giant JLS poster.
A prospectus for West End Stage.
A galaxy cookie crumble wrapper.
A sketch of David Tennant

Yes, I do have quite an obsession of sticking things to my wall. I feel that everything on my wall of ‘things’ represents who I am as a person. My fairtrade teabag wrapper for example, shows my support for equality.

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